Providing Software & solutions

Academy software

MAS provides management system for institutes and academies that has the following features:

A web application that has been prepared with the best and the latest programming languages.

Data base to contain an infinite record of the student data (add a new student - modify student data - delete student data).

Recording student attendance and preparing a report by absence.

Alert of the amounts owed by students before the maturity date.

Recording halls and equipment data and the study plan for the session.

Queries for students by (name - nationality - grade - Phase - housing area) and print report of students and their phone numbers.

Queries for teachers by (name - nationality - specialization) and print report of all teachers.

Inquire about student attendance for (all students - specific students - specific course - grade) during a certain period.

Inquire about the amounts received from the students and the remaining funds to the students for (all – one student).

Security system for the users and the ability to add users - delete a user – change Password - to adjust and change the permissions of the users by the administrator any time.